Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Input-Format-Depedent-XSS: Restrictions Are Your Best Friend!

Recently, I had a stubborn form where I attempted XSS in the free text fields, without success. Eventually, I also started looking at other input fields on the form that required stricter input formatting, such as phone number, SSN, address, etc.

Of course, the email field only accepts input containing an email address...! So, I tried an XSS payload containing a valid email, like:


And it works!

But why?

The validation logic is actually what is reflecting the XSS in the page. Therefore I wouldn't have been able to succeed without the input restriction! It didn't make XSS harder, it made it possible. Furthermore, automated vulnerability scanning tools that don't adjust their behavior to the expected input format based on business context won't find XSS issues like these, they will just dumbly try a bunch of standard payloads. My job is safe for another day.

How do these kind of vulnerabilities happen?

Likely the developer was playing fast and loose with regex, because it's clearly not matching in a way that forces a pattern exclusively (for example, maybe they are missing the "starts with"/"ends with" pattern matching characters). Or maybe they're not using a framework or library with built-in data formatting requirements. Just guessing, but that's the kind of mistake I would have made when I was a dev, and now I get to use it for hacking!

Also, consider that devs will often focus their time and energy on EITHER QA/business logic validation OR security validation, but not usually both. It's counterintuitive, but that's how restrictions can actually help hackers. 

So, at the risk of sounding too Sun-Tzu-Art-of-War: when you use your limitations to your advantage, then you have none.